Downloads and Resources

We have a full range of materials, from brochures and catalogues to white papers, case studies and technical notes.

Excel Encyclopaedia

A detailed educational guide suitable for consultants, M&E contractors, end users and installation partners.


Explore the range of products we offer in one of our PDF catalogues.


Our brochures are a helpful introductory guide describing the features and benefits of the Excel solution.  

To browse Excel literature in languages other than English, French and Spanish, please click the button below.


Written by our technical experts, these are designed to update you on relevant technical developments and standards.

Case Studies

Read about Excel installations in a variety of verticals and countries.

Technical Notes

These are short summary documents that highlight the key facts you need to be aware of with Excel and the industry in general.


Product Updates

Discover the latest additions to the Excel Product Range.


Installation Guidelines

Guidelines on the best way to install the products.


DOP List

 Performance documents for individual products.



Download Environmental Product Declaration documents for Excel products.